Eroe australiano muore dopo aver rimosso serpente velenoso da un asilo-nido


A deadly incident occurred in Australia recently, where a 47-year-old man lost his life after being bitten by a highly venomous snake while trying to remove it from a nursery. The tragic event took place in Deeragun, a suburb of Townsville, around 3:00 PM on Tuesday, March 19.

The victim, Jerromy Brookes, was in cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived at the scene. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and unfortunately passed away. Reports indicate that Brookes had multiple bites on his left arm from what experts identified as a brown snake, the second most venomous snake in the world.

Brookes was reportedly called by a relative of one of the children at the childcare center to assist in removing the snake. It appears that Brookes was not a snake handler or expert. After being bitten, he returned home to explain the situation to his wife, with the snake still in a bag.

Paula Marten, director of the Queensland Ambulance Service in the Townsville district, stated that Brookes’ wife made desperate attempts to save his life by applying pressure bandages and performing CPR when he lost consciousness. Snakebite fatalities are rare in Australia, with approximately 200 people hospitalized each year due to brown snake bites. The country has high-quality antivenom readily available for such cases.

Timothy Jackson, an evolutionary toxinologist at the Australian Venom Research Unit at the University of Melbourne, explained that brown snake venom contains a mixture of toxins. The venom rapidly disrupts blood coagulation, damaging blood vessels and affecting blood pressure, potentially causing a collapse.

In light of this tragic incident, it serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by venomous snakes and the importance of being cautious in snake-infested areas. The community is encouraged to remain calm and seek immediate medical attention in case of a snakebite.

The loss of Jerromy Brookes is a heartbreaking reminder of the risks involved in wildlife encounters and the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with potentially dangerous animals. May his soul rest in peace.

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